This is just Dean-lightening

So for those of you who don’t know, PBS funds a show on youtube called ideachannel. It features some fantastically out there ideas, usually backed by pretty solid evidence. It’s pretty entertaining to watch, and they just did an episode on Community… so… you know I’m all over that. Anyway, take a look. video after the jump. Continue reading “This is just Dean-lightening”


(>^.^)> <(^v^)> <(^.^<)

I am sooooo…. glad…. It’s OVER! No more tests for a while, no more stuffing my brain with homework on the side…

On the other hand, I’m so looking forward to starting up again… SO MUCH KNOWLEDGE OUT THERE…

I feel like the guy from that Twilight Zone episode did, right before he broke his glasses.

Yeah, that guy.

I said BEFORE he broke his glasses. Jesus.

I’ve seen so much that I’ve wanted to show you all… I don’t know where to start. I’ve been building up since about mid-quarter, but school and homework (and my boyfriend ^^) came first.

So to start off, a little something on maturity.

I love the fact that whoever did this captured everyone at their best and worst… Maybe these should be renamed Barnum goats.

Talk about timing. That right there is something I can only admire… as long as it isn’t shooped, which it most likely is.

That up there is about the only reason I can think of to become affiliated with a religion, even though I couldn’t actually believe in it. Being allowed to carry that bowie-esque sonuvabitch any-damn-where I want in public? and it’s my religious freedom, so law be damned? Freakin’ sweet.

Lastly, a little something to make up for that remark, because really, I promise I wouldn’t sell out my principles for a knife (unless it was Excalibur and the zombie apocalypse was at hand, at which point my principles would have a fire sale – you still wouldn’t be able to make me believe, but I’d say any damn thing you wanted to get my hands on a magic sword if evil undead were on the horizon).

So there ya go. I’m still Arthur from the block, or whatever.

See y’all soon!

100 Greatest film insults of all time

There are so many situations I’ve been in where I wished I had been able to remember the turn of phrase these movies masterfully put into an insult.

Now I don’t have to.

I took notes. Lol.

And for those of you who wonder where this or that quote came from, there’s a list of the movies used organized by time used here.

Chuck and Beans starts a flame war with an awesome cartoon.

Okay, so for those of you who haven’t heard about it, there’s this cartoon called Chuck & Beans. It’s accessible, funny, and just snarky enough to where I can show it to my younger sister without being called lame.

^^ So then the comic’s creator decided to do a two-panel layout of the arguments for and against organic food.  And I LOL’d. Matter of fact, I ROFL’d.

Of course the comment war ensued, and with it my frustration level. I mean, here’s this awesome, funny, well-written comic describing both sides of a raging debate accurately and with a sense of humor, and in come the boring activist types who can’t laugh at themselves.
So I’m going to post the comic, and my reply to all the haters. For more great comics, go follow the link to Chuck & Beans.

Great comic.

On a side note: to those who made the comments section a forum for the debate over organic/non-organic… The whole point of the comic is that neither standard is reasonable. Besides, too little is known about the possible health benefits or side-effects of either way of life.

As an example, we still don’t know for sure whether the incidence of disease is higher in those who eat organic or non-organic foods over the course of a lifetime.

And before you come in with an assumed answer, remember that one of the things pesticides help control for are pest-born diseases.

On the other hand, while all the chemicals used in farming and food-production must pass stringent protocols before being used commercially, we aren’t capable of using a crystal ball to gaze into the future and find the next DDT before it finds us.


Basically, we’re all screwed. Might as well LOL about it and not get all religious about a couple leaves of cabbage.