Lots of really cool Atheist-themed stuff and sites ^^

The Arguing Atheist

I stumbled on this site recently that takes the atheist v. theist debate into a completely different mode – the mode of the choose your own adventure book.

For those who don’t like hyperlinks, here’s the site: http://www.arguingatheist.com/

As the title of the website may suggest, you take the point of view of an atheist interrupted on his day off by a missionary knocking at his door. As you progress through the story, you — in the position of the atheist — will make decisions about how to respond to discussion points you are presented with.

And as the Choose Your Own Adventure series were fond of saying, ‘You’re The Star Of The Story!’

This is such a great concept. I loved it so much that I spent the last four hours going through each scenario and every possible answer, just like I used to do when I was a kid ( I always cheated at the damned things ’cause I didn’t want to have to retread the same ground ^^).

What’s great about this is that it gave me a much more holistic, in depth view of the opposition’s opinions. It also gave me many many more good, solid counter-arguments – based on solid, rigorously applied logic and science.

I can’t recommend this site highly enough. It’s interesting, thoughtful, and it even manages to be extremely respectful (while still not pulling punches) – so you might be able to get a few religious nuts to sit down and realize what jackasses they are! ^^ *crosses fingers* I know it isn’t likely, but… hey, I can hope.

Either way, I certainly recommend it to anyone with atheist or agnostic leanings, anyone who argues with theists on a regular basis, or anyone who wants to better understand theist/atheist debate points.

Check it out!

Why do atheists debate, anyway? What’s in it for them?

If you’re wondering why an atheist would want to debate with a theist, check this answer out – it’s the most accurate one I’ve found.


Brilliant stuff. just brilliant. well worth a stop by.  link here.

This is all stuff based around (and i believe going to support) iamanatheist.com, a really nifty little site about… you guessed it… atheism. They’re very unapologetic, and have a really funny sense of humor, too.

So of course the stuff is awesome. check some of this niftyness out.

This is alluding to the psalms verse about dashing small children against rocks. no joke. Very uplifting, that bible.
This is alluding to the psalms verse about dashing small children against rocks. no joke. Very uplifting, that bible.
2 Kings 2:24 - I bet this cute little bugger wishes Elisha got made fun of more often.
2 Kings 2:24 - I bet this cute little bugger wishes Elisha got made fun of more often.
Very subtle. And Very good.
Very subtle. And Very good.
I'm Pooh-nostic.
I'm Pooh-nostic.
God I can do without but COFFEE???   - Because of course there's a coffee mug for that. It's the rule 34 of merchandising.
God I can do without but COFFEE??? - Because of course there's a coffee mug for that. It's the rule 34 of merchandising.


Youtube user QualiaSoup is famous in atheist circles, and infamous in religious ones, for being meticulous, carefully researched, and damning in his proofs against religion and supernatural wibbly wobbly woo-woo set thinking.

here’s one of his videos as an example. I use him heavily as a resource when trying to figure out how to explain why something isn’t good logic. He’s very thorough and very easy to understand.

What if People Actually Treated Religion as Just a Metaphor?

And finally, an article about the religious secularism movement (Jewish Atheism, for instance), and how to tell the real secularists from people who just want an excuse to keep on keeping on with that old time religion.